Thursday, December 14, 2017

lebron James

This is my portrait of Lebron James. I had finished it now and I think this was my favorite project this year. It came out good but I wished that I could paint the whole picture the original color.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Kendrick Lamar

This is my portrait that I did of Kendrick. I didn't do that well in the eyes so it  messed up the  whole project. I  also couldn't shade in  the chin to hair area. 

Color scheme

This is my double page color scheme. I made waves because they  are cool to me. Plus I was perfect because I had a lot of space on the  bottom.

Man in the desert

This the artwork we did when the power was  out. I had made my person got to a mysterious box on the ground. I kind of liked this project because I could finally put cartoons on it.


These are my  goals. I have already  accomplished  some of these goals but getting all As is impossible for the classes I got. I didn't get a job yet so I'm not getting paid. Everything else is already done or in progress.

Iphone block

This is my Iphone block. It looked like it  would be a simple object  to draw but I overlooked the fact that is was suppose to be 3D. I had a hard time making it look realistic. You might not be able to see it but there is a small person walking across the rope.

Basket ball

This is my basketball. I messed up on the side that says old so I labeled it old. Then I had label the other side new because it looks like a newer  ball. It was the only  thing that I could find on my double page spread.

Portfolio cover

this is my portfolio cover. I used warm colors for my  initial. I like the elements lightning and fire so I had put them on my cover. On the back, I put my name and a laser. I put the laser because it logo or symbol that I use. If my career takes off then you will see why I put the laser.

Friday, April 28, 2017

sack boy sculpture

This is my sculpture of sackboy. Sackboy is a character from the game little big planet. I had made this out of chicken wire, yarn, paper and cardboard. I did not finish it but besides the zipper and the face I think that I did pretty good for my skill level.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

carboard bas relief sun and moon

This is bas relief is made out of cardboard. It is a sculpture of the sun and the moon. They are split in half. I came up with this idea because I was thinking about space. This project wasn't too hard. It was simple and kind of creative.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

metal tooling goku

This is my metal tooling project. It took me a while to make the sketch of it because it was small so I had to do it over. The sketch is awesome but the metal tooling is awful. Ink had got everywhere and it was sticking on parts that I didn't what it to stick on. I tried wiping as much as I could.

Friday, February 3, 2017


This is my plaster sculpture project. I decided to create a diamond. This project came easy to me because I was already kind of good at making 3D object. This is because I always used to play around with play-dough. I enjoyed this project because we weren't drawing on paper or anything like that. I had liked the change in art forms.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

critique on starry night by Vincent Van Gogh

I see stars in the sky. I see a moon and swirly clouds. I also see what looks like a giant tower and a town beside the tower. There are mountains in the background. The colors are dark and gloomy. It kind of bring out the yellow moon and some of the stars. There is a big dark tower in the middle of the bright colors. I think this artwork is trying to say that The king in his castle is trying to block the stars with his clouds. Another hypothesis is that he is trying to say that the night sky is beautiful over his town. I don’t know what the big tower means though. It might be the darkness trying to cover the sky. I think that the painting is good and well painted out. I just don’t like the moon because it is a crescent and a full at the same time or is the circle the moon light. I also withed he had made all the stars look different because they kind of blend in with the background. Other than that I think it is pretty good.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

vision board

This is my vision board. It is about what I want to do this year. I doubt I will do all these things but I can try to do these. I couldn't draw the basketball in this project right because I'm not used to drawing them. Basketballs got their own unique shape that I just wasn't able to draw.