Tuesday, January 17, 2017

critique on starry night by Vincent Van Gogh

I see stars in the sky. I see a moon and swirly clouds. I also see what looks like a giant tower and a town beside the tower. There are mountains in the background. The colors are dark and gloomy. It kind of bring out the yellow moon and some of the stars. There is a big dark tower in the middle of the bright colors. I think this artwork is trying to say that The king in his castle is trying to block the stars with his clouds. Another hypothesis is that he is trying to say that the night sky is beautiful over his town. I don’t know what the big tower means though. It might be the darkness trying to cover the sky. I think that the painting is good and well painted out. I just don’t like the moon because it is a crescent and a full at the same time or is the circle the moon light. I also withed he had made all the stars look different because they kind of blend in with the background. Other than that I think it is pretty good.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

vision board

This is my vision board. It is about what I want to do this year. I doubt I will do all these things but I can try to do these. I couldn't draw the basketball in this project right because I'm not used to drawing them. Basketballs got their own unique shape that I just wasn't able to draw.