Monday, December 17, 2018

mural design

This is the idea I had for the coffee shop mural. It is  an american flag. I  had put a rip in  the flag to give it a mug shape. I thought it was a good concept but not a good delivery. The  design is too cartoon like. I  can come up with good ideas but I have trouble creating them based off of my skill level.

Todoroki color wheel

This is my painting I did of Todoroki. He is a character  from the anime, "My Hero Academia". In the show, almost everyone has powers and Todoroki's powers was fire and ice. I decided since I haven't done any anime this year that I should do this. The left side was ice and I used cool colors. The right side was fire and I had used warm colors for it. If I could do this over, I would have done a more light or pale purple so it would look more like ice. I  would do the same for the green.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Lamborghini value drawing

This project, I was proud of at first. I had such a good start but blew it because I had problems shading and drawing the wheels. I also had problems with the front right end of the car in  terms of prospective.

vale drawing of shell in hand

On this I tried my best. I am not good at shading which is why I,m trying to get better. Drawing my are and the shell was not that hard for me but making it bigger and shading it is. Besides the shading, I think I done a good job.

contour line drawing of shell

This is my shell  that I drew again. This time I drew the contour line of it. You can tell it is a shell know because you can see the out line and the ridges in the shell. I could have done better on my little finger and the hole in the shell. I think I did good job for my skill level of art. Observing the scene and drawing it really bettered my ability.

Negative space drawing

This is my negative space drawing. I drew my hand holding a shell. It is kind of hard to guess what it is because shells are not everyday objects. I looked difficult for me so I drew it to better my artistic skills. For this project, you had to do a lot of observing.


This was the first project we did this year. I decided to make a concert since I like music and want to become a rapper. I am the guy on the stage and below is the crowd. There are speakers on the right and left of me. I love drawing cartoons so I made it non-realistic.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Character Story

This is my character in action. It is a scene where he is in a war. He is standing on a building fighting a army on top of a hill.


This is my character. He was fire powers and is based on me. I think the skin part is horrible and the legs are not good. Besides that I think the rest is ok.

2 perspective city

This is my 2 perspective city. One the left and right sides, I have two different patterns.The left pattern is green, yellow and orange. The right pattern is purple, dark green and blue.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

2 perspective drawing

This is my 2 perspective drawing.My nickname and last initial is on the billboard. In the background I have a floating building. The only part I think i messed up is that the windows are not proportionate.